

The Commonwealth of Virginia and bet8体育娱乐入口 have established rules of personal conduct and standards of acceptable work performance for employees. Violations of the established rules and/or unacceptable work performance may result in the imposition of disciplinary action. 这一行动是一种纠正措施,不应基于种族, color, 宗教, 性行为(包括怀孕), 国家的起源, 性别, 年龄, 资深地位, 残疾, 政治面貌, 性取向或基因信息.

这项政策规定了职业行为的标准, 不可接受的行为, and corrective action that may be imposed to address behavior and employment problems.


  • 是的:分类 & 限制员工 本政策适用于本政策所涵盖的职位 弗吉尼亚人事法,其中包括全职和兼职机密和受限制雇员.
  • 否:试用期员工 | 正在服务的员工 试用期 不包括在《bet8体育娱乐入口》内的. Any violation or unacceptable work performance during the probationary period may lead to the immediate dismissal.


监事 are required to contact the 员工关系 Man年龄r prior to taking any formal disciplinary action(s) toward employees. 请见HR 经理 & 监事 额外资源网页.

If you have questions, concerns or require additional information or guidance, contact the HR 员工关系 支援小组.

犯罪程度 罪行类型(并非包括所有罪行) 一般纪律处分* 自发行之日起的有效期限 累积犯罪的影响

This level of offense generally includes offenses that have a relatively minor impact on 年龄ncy business operations but still require man年龄ment intervention.

Examples: Tardiness; poor attendance; abuse of state time; use of obscene langu年龄; disruptive behavior; conviction of a minor moving traffic violation while using a state-owned or public use vehicle; unsatisfactory work performance.

初犯:典型的, counseling is appropriate although an 年龄ncy has the discretion to issue a 组我 Written Notice.

For Repeated Violations of the Same Offense: An 年龄ncy may issue a 第二组 Written Notice (and suspend without pay for up to ten workdays) if the employee has an active 组我 Written Notice for the same offense in his/her personnel file.

2年 Upon accumulation of three active 组我 Written Notices an 年龄ncy should normally suspend the employee for at least five workdays but may not exceed ten workdays. 第四个有效的第一类书面通知通常会导致解雇. 代替解雇, 机关可以:(一)停摆停薪,停摆不超过30个工作日, 和/或(2)降职或调任,并给予纪律处分.

This level generally includes acts of misconduct of a more serious nature that significantly impact 年龄ncy operations.

Examples: Failure to follow supervisor's instructions or comply with written policy; violation of a safety rule or rules (where no threat of bodily harm exists), 未经允许擅离职守, failure to report to work without proper notice; unauthorized use or misuse of state property; refusal to work overtime.

初犯:第二类书面通知. 除第二组通知外, the 年龄ncy has the option of suspending the employee without pay for up to ten workdays. 第二次违例:被解雇. 代替解雇, 机关可以:(一)停摆停薪,停摆不超过30个工作日, 和/或(2)降职或调任,并给予纪律处分. 3年 The second 第二组 or a 第二组 in addition to three active 组我 Written Notices normally results in discharge. 代替解雇, 机关可以:(一)停摆停薪,停摆不超过30个工作日, 和/或(2)降职或调任,并给予纪律处分.

This level generally includes acts of misconduct of a most serious nature that severely impact 年龄ncy operations.

Examples: Absence in excess of three workdays without authorization; falsification of records and/or any misuse or unauthorized use of state records; willfully or recklessly damaging state records/property; theft or unauthorized removal of state records/property; abuse or neglect of clients; gambling on state property or during work hours; physical violence; threatening others; violating safety rules (where threat of bodily harm exists); sleeping during work hours, participating in work slowdown; unauthorized possession of weapons; criminal convictions for illegal conduct occurring on or off the job that clearly are related to job performance or are of such a nature that to continue employees in their positions could constitute negligence in regard to 年龄ncies' duties to the public or to other state employees.

初犯:书面通知并开除. 代替解雇, 机关可以:(一)停摆停薪,停摆不超过30个工作日, 和/或(2)降职或调任,并给予纪律处分. 4年 如果该员工在发出第三组书面通知后仍未被解雇, the employee should be advised that any subsequent Written Notice during the active life of the Written Notice may result in discharge.

*注意,在某些极端情况下, 被列为第二类通知的罪行可能构成第三类罪行. 机关可以考虑某一特定犯罪对机关的任何独特影响. (例如, the potential consequences of a security 办公室r leaving a duty post without permission are likely considerably more serious than if a typical 办公室 worker leaves the worksite without permission.)

类似的, 在极少数情况下, a 组我 may constitute a 第二组 where the 年龄ncy can show that a particular offense had an unusual and truly material adverse impact on the 年龄ncy. Should any such elevated disciplinary action be challenged through the grievance procedure, 管理层将被要求确立其合法性, material business reason(s) for elevating the discipline above the levels set forth in the table above.

也, an 年龄ncy may always mitigate discipline if circumstances compel a reduction in the level to promote the interests of fairness and objectivity. However, man年龄ment should be mindful to treat similarly situated employees in a like manner.

最后,违反政策1.05: 酒精 & 毒品政策, 2.30: 工作场所骚扰, or 2.05: 平等就业机会, may, depending on the nature of the offense, constitute a 组我, II, or III offense.