Submitting Timesheets & Leave Reports

Web Time Entry Self-Service Guides

Classified/Hourly/Student Timesheets & Leave

这个视频参考指南关于输入工作时间或休假:保密, Exempt, Non-exempt, Hourly & Student Hourly Employees 


Faculty Leave Reporting

This video reference guide on entering leave taken for:

  • Administrative
  • Professional Faculty

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Important Note



WTE (Web Time Entry) Guidelines


  • 学生小时工资雇员必须完成一个Web工时表,其中包含在支付期间每天实际工作的小时数. Enter all hours worked.
  • Student hourly employees may generally be employed for up to 20 hours per week. 例外情况应与薪资经理或合规和学生就业主管讨论.
  • 如果一周工作时间超过40小时,系统会自动计算加班时间. 除非通过Web时间输入提交Web时间表,否则不会自动支付薪水.

Need step-by-step instructions for entering your timesheet?

Use the Student Hourly Employee WTE Guide or view the Training Video.


  • 按小时计酬的雇员必须填写一份Web工时表,其中包含在支付期间每天实际工作的小时数. Enter all hours worked.
  • 所有领工资的雇员在12个月内每周平均工作时间不得超过29小时. Wage employees, including student worker, 每个就业年度(5月1日至4月30日)工作时间不得超过1500小时. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to the 1500 hour limit.
  • 如果一周工作时间超过40小时,系统会自动计算加班时间. 除非通过Web时间输入提交Web时间表,否则不会自动支付薪水.

Need step-by-step instructions for entering your timesheet?

Use the Student Hourly Employee WTE Guide or view the Training Video.

非豁免分类员工必须报告每天的工作时间和休假情况. 这些员工必须使用WTE来完成一个Web时间表,其中包含在支付期间每天实际工作的小时数. 未通过网络时间输入在网络时间表上输入工作时间或休假将导致付款延迟.

See a Full List of Classified Leave & Earning Types ►

Need step-by-step instructions for entering your timesheet?

Use the Classified Non-Exempt Employee WTE Guide or view the Training Video.

Working Overtime

未获豁免的员工未经管理层事先批准,不得加班. 经理负责控制非豁免员工的工作时间.

你的主管会告诉你用哪种收入类型来报告加班. 您可以只使用一种类型,这取决于您的部门如何在Banner中建立. You cannot use both. The default for most departments is "pay."

Earnings Types and Explanations
Earning Type Explanation Who should use this?
Additional hours worked- Leave 此选择用于记录非豁免员工的额外休假工作时间. 入账将被转换为加班假或补休假, depending on the physical hours worked during the week. Classified Non Exempt Employees - set up for Leave
Additional hours worked- Pay 此选择用于记录非豁免雇员的额外工作时数. 工作时间将根据一周的实际工作时间按正常时间或加班费支付.
Classified Non Exempt Employees - set up for Pay

分类豁免员工只负责记录休假时间(1).e., 假期或病假或补假(已获得/已使用)和补假通过网络时间输入获得. 不提交网络时间表可能会导致付款延迟.

  • 分类豁免雇员必须为每个工资期提交一份网上工时表.
  • 如果在给定的工资期内没有休假,也没有获得补偿性休假, 分类豁免员工必须打开该工资期的工时表,在工时表的评论部分输入“无休假”,并提交工时表以供批准.

See a Full List of Classified Leave & Earning Types ►

Need step-by-step instructions for entering your timesheet?

Use the Classified Exempt Employee WTE Guide or view the Training Video.

Compensatory Leave Earned (CLE) - EXEMPT Employees

  • 除以下情况外,所有大学员工不得获得补休:

    • Irrespective of the position held, 当假期正好是预定的休息日时,补休可以记入帐户, 或者员工没有遵守,因为他或她所在单位的所有其他员工都被要求在假期工作.
    • In unusual situations where, at the specific direction of the supervisor, 为应付紧急或紧急情况的需要,获豁免的雇员工作时间特别长, supervisors may credit compensatory leave.
  • 只有在对大学的有效管理有必要的情况下,才会批准补休. It will not be used to accomplish normal operating duties.


  • 被要求通过休假报告报告休假的教师应尽一切努力遵循提交时间表.
  • 审批人必须通过休假报告批准教师休假,并应尽一切努力遵循提交时间表.
  • 工资期将一直开放到名单上列出的日期 Banner Self Service Submission Schedule for Faculty Leave Reports.


Need step-by-step instructions for entering your timesheet?

Use the Faculty Leave Reports WTE Guide or view the Training Video.

Banner Self Service Submission Deadlines

In order for employees to be paid each pay period, 时间表必须在公布的截止日期前提交和批准.

  • Timesheets must be submitted on the last day worked in the pay period OR no later than 11:59pm on the deadline (listed in the WTE Submission Schedule).
  • 审批人(或代理人)必须在批准截止日期前批准每个付款期的时间表.
  • Timesheets should be submitted after all the hours are worked for the pay period and before the pay period submission deadline.
  • When you submit a timesheet to an approver, 你证明你的工作时间是真实准确的.

2024 Banner Self Service Submission Schedules

Employee Compensation Tools

ODU actively seeks to attract and retain an accomplished, 多元化的劳动力支持众多的项目,吸引教师, classified and hourly employees. Understand your compensation and access your account.